Thursday, April 3, 2014

DIY Non-Toxic All-Purpose Cleaner

There are lots of things you could add to your all-purpose cleaner, so I'm going to give you a few ideas. You can use this cleaner on counter tops, stove tops, and sinks, although you may need something more abrasive at times for cleaning those areas, which I'll share about another time.

Non-toxic all-purpose cleaning ingredients

  • Large spray bottle
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Liquid castile soap; 2+ tablespoons
  • Water; if your tap water isn't the greatest, use purified, filtered, or distilled
  • Optional: a slice of fresh-squeezed lemon
  • Optional: 15-20 drops of citrus essential oil; if you use essential oil in this cleaner, you'll need to store it in a glass bottle because essential oils break down plastic.
  1. Fill the spray bottle 1/3 to 1/2 full with vinegar.
  2. Add 2-4 tablespoons of liquid castile soap.
  3. If you have it, squeeze a slice of lemon in there OR add essential oil. I would add both lemon and essential oil. 
  4. Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water.
  5. Shake it all up! To keep the ingredients well-mixed, it's a good idea to give the bottle a shake before using.
Cost Savings

Vinegar = about 1 cent/oz, or up to 16 cents for this recipe
Castile soap =  about 47 cents/oz, or up to 94 cents for this recipe
Lemon = cost varies, but a for a slice, it might cost a quarter for this recipe
Water = cost varies, around 1 or 2 cents for this recipe
Bottle (1-time cost) = around $2

DIY all-purpose cleaner cost (minus the bottle) total = about $1.43
Store-bought all-purpose cleaner cost = $2.50-$5
Total savings is at least $1 every time you make it!! After purchasing the bottle, of course, if you don't already have one.

That's it!! Enjoy your non-toxic all-purpose cleaner!! So what do you think? Can you handle this? What else would you like to see here? I want this blog to be helpful for YOU!! If you like this, share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. and leave a comment below. 

Stay tuned for an exciting announcement about this blog!! 

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