Saturday, March 29, 2014

Non-Toxic Cleaning Basics: Why Do It and How to Get Started

Do you ever wonder why it seems we all know someone with cancer? Or maybe you've even had it yourself. Do you ever wonder why you might sneeze or feel funky during or after cleaning (even if you aren't dusting)? Do you ever get a headache after doing a lot of cleaning? Do you feel nauseous from walking down the cleaning aisle in a store? One of the answer's to all of these questions is in our typical cleaning products. Wait, what?! My cleaning products?! I thought it was good to try to keep my house clean!! Yes, absolutely, but it's the chemicals in cleaning products that are harmful, not what you're trying to accomplish.
photo credit: Green Living Guide

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has assessed over 2,000 cleaning products on the market today and continues to add more to their list. Below is a summary of their findings, you can find the full report on their Household Cleaner Findings page.