Friday, April 25, 2014

Feel Good Friday: Stop Seasonal Allergies in Their Tracks!

Happy Friday! Well, for some of us. With the onset of spring, I’ve seen many an allergy victim trudging through life in a zombie-like state lately. Amanda has shared her past history with allergies; I, too, used to battle this demon every spring. However, it’s been years since I’ve had an allergy attack and I’ve (almost) forgotten allergies even exist! I want you to know this joy as well, so without further ado, I present to you my top allergy-busting tips:

(As usual, these are just recommendations based on personal experience, and these claims have not been evaluated by a physician!)

Adopt a plant-based diet – Studies show that a plant-based diet helps to prevent allergies. For me, this was a huge factor. Eating more fruits and vegetables not only is good for your overall health, certain produce like leafy greens, berries, mushrooms and garlic are immune system-boosting foods that help your body fight off its attackers. Before you pull your pitchforks out, no one is saying become vegetarian or vegan…just aim to make your plate about 75% plant-based (including grains, if you eat them). That’s reasonable, right? Bonus points if you’re eating local produce!

Take some R&R – Stress is a major factor in exacerbating your body’s response to allergens. Take some time to wind down and use some of these stress relief tips from WebMD to help ease your mind.

Support a local apiary – Although the merits of this remedy are disputed in the medical community, the anecdotal evidence of using local honey to fight allergies is hard to argue. Civilizations across the globe have revered honey as a panacea since the beginning of time, and who am I to argue with ancient wisdom? To me, it makes sense that consuming raw, local honey helps the body grow accustomed to the trace amounts of pollen contained within and immunize your body against it, almost like an allergy shot. I take a tablespoon each day, either straight up or in my morning tea. Note: the honey must be both raw and local to reap the benefits!

Have glass of nettle tea – According to Wellness Mama, nettle is “particularly effective in treating allergic rhinitis, relieving nearly all the symptoms of itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose.” It’s most effective in tea form — Traditional Medicinals has a pretty good one.

Use a saline rinse – Last but not least, keep your nose clean! Much like a duster, your nose hairs trap pollen in, keeping it from entering your body. Unfortunately, this results in you unwittingly walking around with your worst enemy attacking you right where it hurts. Use a Neti pot or syringe to flush out the offending substance. As a bonus, the rinse will soothe irritated nasal passages.

Do you use any of these home remedies to help you with your allergy systems? What do you think of them? Have some other home remedies that help fight the Allergy Monster? Share your wisdom!


  1. I have also heard that essential oils of lemon, peppermint, and lavender help allergies. I added several drops of each to some coconut oil and have been rubbing it in each morning. I've had mixed results so far. There's lots of local honey sold here, but I need to see if it's raw. I may try the tea too, if it's not terrible tasting!!

  2. I have used a saline rinse with a syringe with great results!!
