Saturday, October 19, 2013

One of those moments I wish I hadn't chose cloth diapers

Friday morning we went for a walk, as usual. I thought I smelled something as I was strapping little man into the stroller, but I choose to wait to deal with it later. Lately, I've been changing his diaper too early and gotten "surprises" in two diapers, instead of just one. When we got home, i took him back to his room to be changed before naptime, like always. And, oh man, what I found: an explosion. If you know anything about cloth diapering, you know that explosions are extremely rare; I can recall less than five in little man's 14 months of life thus far. This one was, by far, the worst yet.

I pulled off his pants and found poo caked inside about half of one pant leg, and that's when I knew it was going to be bad. Since explosions are rare with cloth, you know it's a bad, bad, bad diaper when it does happen. I used five wipes, and there were still flecks left on his poor little cheeks. Regardles of the sheer volume of poo in this diaper, it was also the worst type of poo: sticky. It's been this way lately, as little man refuses to eat anything real solid. The most solid things he eats are cheeses and rice cakes, which isn't enough to create solid poo, apprently. Oh, how I wish he'd eat chicken again!

I got little man down for his nap and headed to the bathroom with all the clothes he'd been wearing. I started with his pants. The upside to using cloth at this moment was that I had a nice diaper sprayer to get the poo off his pants easily. Unfortunately I also had to get it off his diaper, which was filled with sticky goo from front to back, and the diaper cover, both the outside and inside. When I was finally finished, the toilet needed to be wiped down as well as the area surrounding it. The downside to a diaper sprayer is that it's incredibly powerful, so you can imagine what it does to explosive diapers. I'm glad I was already planning to wash his diapers then because it meant no stain on his pants. I was also planning a shower during little man's nap this morning, but I felt like I nedded and deserved it after that escapade.

Yes, these moments are terrible with cloth diapers, but, overall, it's a worthwile decision. I wouldn't do it differently.