Monday, July 7, 2014

Around the House Cleaner Series: Vacuuming

Many people have switched to non-carpet flooring because they don't want stained carpet or they like the way wood looks. However, we still have carpet and it's definitely the least expensive flooring option by far. Getting your carpet cleaned professionally can be costly and not very effective in the long run. If you don't have a good vacuum, you won't be able to get allergens out of it either. Therefore, I recommend a Dyson vacuum and treating your carpet yourself.

Why I love my Dyson Vacuum
In the last eight years, I've had at least three other vacuums. None of them worked. I tried different brands and types, but it didn't matter what I had. When I got done vacuuming, I'd find dust blown against the lower edges of the furniture and walls and bits of stuff still on the floor. This is not the case when I use the Dyson. It works! It sucks up everything I can and can't see, and certainly doesn't blow stuff around!!

Many vacuums are marketed as able to use on any surface now, so I'd try my vacuum on the kitchen floor and, again, it mostly blew dust around. Well, the Dyson actually does pick up stuff on the tile and carpet we have without blowing dirt about!! So, what makes the Dyson different? Take a look:
The handle goes down to make it more compact, and this particular model is only 11.6 pounds. The ball that helps steer it is really nice and helpful. I can easily vacuum under cabinets and around furniture because of the ball. But the best part is the suction power!!
Suction power is used all the way across the bottom of that opening, which allows me to vacuum up bit of things right next to edge of the wall. And the power behind the suction pulls up more junk than any other vacuum I've seen!

Yes, Dyson vacuums are expensive, but there's nothing else on the market like it!! And, it's an investment, not only for your carpet, but your health. If you can't fully clean your carpet then it will only continue getting dirtier, which leads to toxin and allergen build-up. Dyson creates the only vacuum that certified asthma and allergy friendly by the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America. When you decide to switch, look for sales, clearance, and barely used ones. We bought ours using gift cards we got with our credit card points. If you're interested, the particular model of ours is the DC50 Animal.

Simple Non-Toxic Carpet Fresheners
To freshen up your carpet and help keep it clean on the surface, spread washing soda and/or baking soda on your carpet and vacuum it up. If you have a steam cleaner or can get one, just use full-strength distilled white vinegar instead of cleaning solution.

For more ways to help freshen your carpet and other cleaning tips, follow our Natural, Non-Toxic Cleaning Pinterest board and look for my post on removing stains from couches and carpets.

What do you use to freshen up your floors? Share with us by commenting below!! We'd love to hear from you!

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