Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reusable Coffee Cups

At least 4 billion paper coffee cups are thrown away each year (Neumer Lara, Alison "Starbucks Cup Recycling: What's the Holdup?"), but it's so easy to reduce this number!

The most common way you see this done is through buying and bringing your own mug or tumbler to your coffee shop of choice. Many places offer a 5 or 10 cent discount on your coffee, too, when you bring your own cup. Thus, the cup pays itself off and more! If you're a Starbucks drinker, you can get one of its $1 grande size reusable cups. Did you read that right?! Yes, ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Starbucks recognizes its part in causing the problem of coffee cups being thrown away, and this is one of its attempts to change. If you buy the $1 cup, it pays itself off in only 10 uses, so after the tenth use, you're saving yourself money! Look for the $1 cup on the counter of your favorite Starbucks! (see picture below) When the cup is no longer useable, it's also recyclable. Additionally, I recently noticed recycling bins added to my local Starbucks, so look or ask for them at yours.

Second, a majority of coffee shops offer drinks in a "for here" mug, so you can enjoy your drink like you would at home. Of course, you can only get a "for here" mug if you'll be finishing your drink at the coffee shop. Every Starbucks I've gone to whips out its for here mugs when I ask for it too, so start asking for one! Make sure you tell them right away that you want a "for here" mug along with the size of your drink. Another bonus for this option: Coffee shops offer the 5 or 10 cent cup discount for the "for here" mug option too!

The best part about both of these options: Your drink will stay warmer or colder longer! Paper and plastic cups have no insulation, so your drink loses its perfect temperature much quicker.

Don't you all love to personalize your property or Facebook page now, too? There are so many reusable tumbler options out there, even ones you can completely personalize by adding photos and such. Coffee shops often sell tumblers for an expensive price, so look for clearance sales or deals, or check out your local grocery store, Ross, TJ Maxx, or Target. I have seen reusable cups for both hot and cold drinks of various sizes at all of these stores, and I have ones from all of these stores. I think I purchased my cold tumblers at TJ Maxx for around $5.

Afraid of forgetting your cup? Buy two, and always leave one in your car!

Go out there and find your perfect tumbler for your favorite hot or cold beverage. Purchase one for a friend as a gift too! 

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