Monday, April 14, 2014

DIY Natural Disinfectant for Scrubbing in Bathrooms and Kitchens

This week I'm sharing my natural bathroom cleaning solutions, which can also be used in other areas of the home. Store-bought bathroom cleaners are some of the worst offenders when it comes to toxic cleaners because they're concentrated and have strong odors. The Environmental Working Group has figured out what's in many toilet and tub cleaners and published the results. Below are some screenshots of their findings. First is a picture of all the toilet cleaners they inspected. As you can see, over 50% received an F rating because they include several toxic chemicals that can lead to cancer, respiratory problems, developmental and reproductive issues, and trigger skin allergies. Even some cleaners that are branded "natural" received an F rating!!!

Second, is a look at some tub and tile cleaners. Again, not much going for them.

Third, you'll see that even the Seventh Generation toilet cleaner has some cause for concern.

What to do?! Ditch your bathroom scrubber, and make your own!! All you need is baking soda, distilled white vinegar, and an essential oil that kills germs, like tea tree, a citrus essential oil, or an essential oil blend. A few months ago I started using this recipe for a natural disinfecting toilet cleaner from Growing Up Herbal because I had just been using my all-purpose cleaner for scrubbing toilets, sinks, and tubs, which wasn't getting the job done. This cleaner literally made my toilet white and shiny again!! So I tried it on my kitchen and bathroom sinks, which produced the same results. This week, I used it on my bathtub and have the results below for you. To easily rinse off the cleaner, I used my son's bathtime cup, but you could use any kind of similar, large container. You can also use this on tile grout, with or without the essential oil.
Before cleaning = Tub ring

After = No ring!

To use this cleaner for a larger area, like the tub, I recommend mixing a little up in a jar or bowl first by putting a bit of the baking soda mixture in your bowl/jar, then add the vinegar. Mix it up with a brush to make a paste-like substance. Dip in a sponge or brush and start scrubbing!!

Are you ready to try this? What natural cleaners do you already use in your bathroom?

Stay tuned for more natural bathroom cleaning tips, as I go through your cleaners one room at a time to help you transition to natural cleaners. For cleaning your counter tops and the toilet's surfaces, check out my DIY Non-Toxic All-Purpose Cleaner recipe. For giving your mirror a streak and chemical-free shine, check out my glass cleaner post later this week. And next week, I'll give you a super easy DIY recipe, only 2 ingredients, for an after-shower spray to round out my non-toxic bathroom cleaners.

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