Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Scraps to Skirt

My niece recently turned two, so I made her a little skirt out of strips of cloth scraps.  I always have leftover scraps from projects, so this was a perfect way to use up some of that.  Originally I saw the idea on Pinterest.
For this project, you'll need:
-Scrap fabric
-1/2" or 3/4" piece of elastic that's smaller than the waist you're making it for
-Sewing machine and thread

First, you can sew the elastic in to a circle.  You should overlap it about an inch, stitching an "X" and a box on the overlapping area for extra stability.  Second, you can start tearing your strips of fabric.  I tried to make all of my strips the same width, but they're different lengths depending on the size of the scraps I had.  To tear the fabric, I simply cut a small notch in the fabric, then tore down it from there.  This can actually be a fun thing to do with older kids or a friend (my husband helped me).  You can choose to tear all your fabric at once or tear as you tie it on the elastic.

Third, start tying the strips on the elastic band.  I knotted the strips on by looping them around the elastic so the fabric would lay more flat, and it covers the band more nicely than a standard knot.  Try to keep the elastic from getting turned around while doing this, though it will stretch a bit.

I hope you enjoy this fun little project!  Little effort, but lots of fun for a little girl.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Reusable Shopping Bags 301: Gift Them!

Reusable shopping bags can make great gifts!  Recently I saw that the Disney store is selling adorable ones with characters on them, which would be great for a children's gift.  A bag that doubles as wrapping paper and can be used for a long time afterward!

The shopping bags for groceries are great for wedding gifts.  I got two recently and filled them up with my favorite brands of kitchen essentials: flour, sugar, baking power, baking soda, olive oil, etc.  I included a note with the gift explaining why I think using reusable shopping bags is important and why I chose fair trade items for the shopping bags.  The couple really appreciated it and received a little education on grocery shopping.

This same idea could apply for a baby shower gift too.  What mom doesn't want another bag??  Fill up an already cute bag or add pockets to one.  Check out my friend ferferfly's blog for a tutorial on "cutifying" reusable shopping bags.

If you like what you see, leave a comment, like it, share it, email me.  I'm eager to hear from you!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reusable Shopping Bags 201: How do I remember them?

Now you've been informed on all types of reusable shopping bags and where to get them.  Hopefully you have some by now, and you're wondering "How do I remember them when I go shopping?!"  Like anything else new, you have to get used to it and make it a habit.  I'm going to share a few tips to help you solve this problem though.

  1. Keep them in your car. Designate a place in your car to keep them.  If you have small children who sit in the back seat or no children, then your passenger seat is available and you're most likely to see them there.  When someone needs to sit in the front seat, the bags can easily be moved to the floor in the front or back.
  2. "If I keep them in a visible place in my car and use them, how do I get them back in my car?"  Again, put them in a visible place in your house or take them straight back to the car after they're unloaded.  In a pile near the door could be a good place for them:
Or right on the door knob may be the only way you'll remember them:

3.   Make sure everyone who owns a car in your house has some bags for their car.  Getting everyone in the habit of using the bags will help all of you remember to use them.
4.   Get or make one large bag that closes with Velcro or by drawstring to put all of your bags in.  This will give them a designated place in your and help keep them organized.  It will also make them easier to move around if someone needs to sit where the bags are.  I wish I had a photo to show you of this, but I haven't gotten around to making a large bag yet.

One other thing to consider when buying bags is which ones will be for food and which ones will be for non-food items, like clothes or craft stuff.  I designated all the bags I have from grocery stores for food only, and I have a few bags from non-food places for my non-food items.  The wallet size fold up bags like Target sells would probably be the most handy for non-food items.

Happy shopping!  Please share your comments or questions via email or the comment form below.  Like what you see?  Share it on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social network you use!  Thanks for reading!